[dss-developer] REST-API - Set user defined states

Christian Stüllein | SSE christian.stuellein at sse-engineering.de
Tue Mar 10 19:38:32 CET 2020


I have a question according the user defined states. As stated in the
JSON API document it should be possible to set a user defined state (if
that state is not linked to physical outputs or defined by other
states). If I understand this correctly, I can only set the state
"active" or "inactive" using this two strings as value. Is this correct?

I tried this with the state "Kind_zuhause" within the testserver
(https://testrack2.aizo.com:50443) but I get an error, that the given
state is not found.

My requests is:

The Respose is: {"ok":false,"message":"State not found name:1494253299
model/apartment.cpp:912 httpPath:/json/state/set"}

I wonder what's wrong. If I debug the User-Defined-States App in the
webbrowser it seems to work. This app is sending:


I also tried to add the a=0.40391334838893855 part (what ever this is)
but without success.

I hope one of you has an idea were my error is.

best regards, Christian

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