[dss-merge-requests] Pending merge requests

daemon at developer.digitalstrom.org daemon at developer.digitalstrom.org
Sat Jan 8 11:00:03 CET 2011

Merge request list for 'dSS-mainline' (URL: http://gitorious.digitalstrom.org/dss/dss-mainline/merge_requests.atom):

Summary: #427: Extend the range of callable scenes to 127
 - By: packi
 - URL: http://gitorious.digitalstrom.org/dss/dss-mainline/merge_requests/240

Summary: #425: Keep called-scenes of devices up-to-date
 - By: packi
 - URL: http://gitorious.digitalstrom.org/dss/dss-mainline/merge_requests/237

Summary: #367: add compile option for http
 - By: mtross
 - URL: http://gitorious.digitalstrom.org/dss/dss-mainline/merge_requests/210

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