[dss-developer] dSS JSON

Sergey 'Jin' Bostandzhyan jin at mediatomb.cc
Tue Apr 30 21:01:59 CEST 2013


On Tue, Apr 30, 2013 at 07:22:26PM +0200, Tin Pham wrote:
> I'm doing a project about new hardware recognition for digitalSTROM system.
> As far as i know, if any new dsID is connected to the system, we need to press
> "reregister all hardware" button in Hardware tab (advance view) in the web GUI.
> Then wait and refresh view to see the new device.

no, this is not the case. A new device will automatically register itself
with the dSM and will be visible after some time if you keep refreshing
the view. Actually, you will see that the LED on the device is blinking
while it is going through the registration process.

"Reregister" is only needed if you deliberately delete a device on a dSM (for
example via the configurator / web UI) and later decide that you want it
to be present and known again.

> I run web console in Firefox and see this code when the "reregister all
> hardware" button is press:
> 3504175fe000001000000e8a
> I think that it is similar with the JSON command. I have searched in the dSS
> JSON document and relevant document but there is no command for
> restartRegistration or testDevicePresence. There are some "rescan" code but
> they didn't work for me.

Those commands that you saw are not part of the official JSON API, i.e. you
can not use them via the 8080 port which is the interface for apps. They
are part of the dSA (dS Assistant) which is a tool that helps to troubleshoot
and debug dS installations. It's integrated into the configurator UI, but
as I mentioned, it's not part of the "user" API.

> I'm a newbie in programing and just start from scratch few weeks ago, please
> help me.

It's not quite clear to me what exactly your goal is, maybe you could describe
what you are trying to do in more detail. You can surely get some help and
hints on the list, but we won't do any coding for you :)

Kind regards,

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